Wynnum Manly White Dinner


Fri 10 Sep 2021 18:00 — 22:00

Event information

This event has passed.

So who’s game to join in and have a

Wynnum Manly White Dinner

at the WMYC Clubhouse Friday 10 September


The Dîner en Blanc concept began in Paris in 1988 when Frenchman François Pasquier invited a group of friends to an elegant outdoor dinner at the Bois de Boulogne, asking them to dress in white so they could find each other.  Today, more than 100 cities around the world have events, including Brisbane.

How To Join In

Members book a table (www.wmyc.com.au) for up to 8 people.

Then invite a group of friends who do not need to be members.  

Theme your table in White + One Other Colour – this includes your dress code.  The table group brings the food between them all to share + you can use the BBQ as well (remember covid safe sharing). Bring your own plates and cutlery etc.  You all decorate your table.

There will be a prize for the best decorated table, and a prize for the best dressed Couple.

 The bar will be open for your Champagne, as well as normal bar stock, INCLUDING  COFFEE.