
Rights and Privileges of Membership (as set out in WMYC Constitution By-Laws 3.1)

Members shall be entitled to use all the Association’s property and facilities as provided by their membership category PROVIDED that the Management Committee may from time to time limit access to such Association facilities as required for other purposes consistent with the Association’s Objects.

Full Members

Full membership is open to persons who wish to use the facilities of the Association and who exercise an active interest in boating and/or have interests not incompatible with the Objects of the Association.

* Only full members may rent a hardstand, rent or lease a marina berth or use the boat ramp launching facilities.

* Current Insurance Certificates are required annually by both the Club Office and Marina Office

Fees & Application Forms

WMYC application form

WMSC application form

Contractor application form

Social membership application form

Membership Fees

Online Member Registration

Applications for Social Membership may be completed online



Associate Members

Associate membership is open to those persons who wish to use the facilities of the Association and who do not own a boat that uses any of the facilities of the Association. 

This includes members of Wynnum Manly Sailing Club and Manly Dragon Boat Club.

Contractor Membership

Contractor membership is open to a business which wishes to access the Club or Marina area for the purpose of carrying out maintenance improvement or modification to a members’ boat at that members’ request. Application must be made by the CEO of the business.


Social Membership

Social Membership is open to those persons who wish to use the Association's clubhouse facilities during normal opening hours, or attend social functions open to the Association's members.


Casual Membership

Casual Membership is open to those persons who wish to use the facilities of the Association on a casual basis.

PROVIDED THAT the cumulative total of such membership shall not exceed four (4) months in any period of twelve.