Code Of Conduct

The Management Committee of the Wynnum Manly Sailing Club adopted the following Code of Conduct in November 2022 as part of our committment to good management and to encourage a healthy and inclusive club culture. The code outlines expectations about the conduct of management committee members as well as club members and visitors. It also provides a confidential complaints process that enables a member or members to pursue concerns they may have about the conduct of management committee members.


Wynnum Manly Sailing Club Code of Conduct

The WMSC is committed to fair, reasonable, and ethical dealings in all contact with members, competitors, volunteers, board members, visitors and others including:

  • Member information
  • Confidentiality
  • Protests, complaints and appeals processes
  • Fee structure
  • Access and equity
  • Workplace health & safety


WMSC Management Committee Member Responsibilities

All members of WMSC management committee are required to:

  • Act equitably and with honesty, fairness, integrity and in the best interests of the organisation
  • Pursue a duty of care and diligence in fulfilling the functions of the management committee and purpose of the WMSC
  • Preserve and enhance the good reputation of the WMSC
  • Not engage in conduct likely to bring discredit upon the organisation
  • Act ethically in their approach to business decisions
  • Treat all members, competitors, volunteers, other management committee members, suppliers, sponsors, visitors, and other stakeholders with respect and courtesy
  • Ensure that confidential information relating to the club, members, competitors, volunteers, suppliers, sponsors, visitors, and other stakeholders is not disclosed to third parties without consent
  • Perform any duties associated with their position in a diligent, competent, and honest manner, consistent with the values of the WMSC set out in this Code of Conduct
  • Use WMSC equipment, facilities, and funds for the primary purpose of undertaking organisational activities
  • Agree that WMSC retains the Intellectual Property rights of all materials of whatever nature, created or utilised in the performance of your role
  • Acknowledge that you cannot act as a representative of the WMSC to the media without the agreement of the WMSC Chair.
  • Disclose actual, potential, and perceived conflicts of interest to the management committee that may impede or be perceived to impede your ability to uphold the values of the WMSC as set out in this Code of Conduct


Member and Visitor Responsibilities

As a condition of entry into WMSC events, participants are expected to:

  • Respect the rights of others to participate in WMSC events
  • Promote a fair and inclusive, competitive sailing environment through good personal behaviour
  • Be aware of your own and others health and safety in the competitive sailing environment.
  • Report any concerns about your or fellow members and visitors health, safety and welfare to a WMSC management committee member.



The WMSC can receive formal or informal complaints in the event that a member, visitor, volunteer or other stakeholder believes that a management committee member has failed to follow this Code of Conduct in fulfilling their WMSC duties.

Complaints should be made in writing and directed to the Chair (or Vice-Chair if the complaint concerns the Chair, or another committee member if the matter concerns the Chair and/or Vice-Chair). The complaint letter should include as much information as possible, including the date/s, time/s and location/s as well as the nature of the allegedly problematic behaviour. Details of any witnesses to the complaint issue should also be included.The complaint letter should also outline the remedy or redress the complainant seeks. The committee member in receipt of the complaint will attempt to resolve the matter and will provide the complainant with a written explanation of how they have attempted to resolve the matter. If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome they can make a further written request for the complaint to be considered by a subcommittee of the management committee. This subcommittee will consist of two management committee members and an independent chair who will provide the complainant with written advice of the outcome/s of the formal complaint process.  

Committee members involved in the complaints process will treat the identity of complainants with confidentiality. They will also endeavour to address complaints in a timely manner and can reject complaints on the grounds that they are frivolous or vexatious. This complaint process is not an alternative or substitute to the Protest mechanism that applies to events conducted under Australian Sailing’s Racing Rules of Sailing.